Ocean Cooperative Publishing


Ocean Cooperative Publishing


The Bright Harvest Series




If you are a visitor to regional art events you'll already know how much grassroots talent goes unrecognized. It's a bitter truth that many visual artists come to accept that their work will remain unknown because, unlike writers for whom every published work is a statement, artists make little impact when they exhibit a few pieces here, a few pieces there, as they most often must do. We might think of it as a global shortage of galleries: the effect is as stifling for art as a shortage of money is for economies.

Eyestorms Books is an imprint of Ocean Cooperative Publishing. Beginning in the spring of 2010, Eyestorms will be looking at proposals for our new art book series, Bright Harvest. Each Bright Harvest title features an artist or a group of artists who wish reproductions of their work to appear in book form. The cooperative publishing model gives these artists -- painters, sculptors, photographers, jewelers and others working in graphic and plastic media -- access to the revolutionary technological changes that have been such a boon to writers.



The compelling effect produced by quality reproductions of an artist's work, collected in a single volume with commentary and supporting text, cannot be overestimated. Page after page of color images impress on readers as nothing else can the character and progression of the artist's vision. Art books are an invitation to readers and patrons to participate in the artist's continuing project.



Until this decade, the art book as a medium of communication was beyond the reach of most artists. The new printing technologies and distribution models that are part of the OCP programs, however, now mean that our partnering artists contribute no more to the set-up of such books under OCP's Launch program than do our partnering authors of fiction and non-fiction books.

Discover more about the opportunity the OCP publishing venture opens for artists and authors by returning to our home page.



If you've arrived at this page from outside the Ocean Cooperative web site, click here to go to my home page and learn more about what I may be able to offer.





Robert Buckland at

Our office telephone number is (613) 659-3666

You can e-mail us at: words@oceancooperative.com

You can write us at: 640 Sand Bay Road, Lansdowne, Ontario, Canada K0E 1L0








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